miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011


Perhaps the river because I can not do otherwise, may not speak because only curses will come out of my mouth, maybe I write because I write. No one is good or bad people are defined by their actions and how are you are evaluated by others, whether individuals or groups of society, always looking evaludora catalog and approved in accordance with the principles of the group who are in power, foma that has been for generations and I doubt that there are changes, since we are in the squalid always placed a number that is according to our leverage, our behavior, including our values ​​that we instill skills from the family. I hear the echo of the words at some point talk, walk and kept walking, trying to think of other things, trying to imagine trying to dream again but it seemed impossible, the words were useless and actions made ​​no sense, it was all useless I'm not one to qualify people, even when I was teaching had to do, do not think anyone will can put a number or letter, and decide the future of a person. For many I am a bad person and not for others but do not mind, I am what I am.

I do not mind my dreams are broken, creating more no matter what I have to strive to live and behave according to me what I think is right, will work for what I think is necessary, daydreaming if necessary. Hare my worst faults my best virtues, just to prove I can be better, just to prove what I am, I do not care what you say society, or what people shout, I've never been good at listening, ignoring the recommendations anyway. Smile because I have no more, but I will not give because they do not know how to do, I will continue my life, I will walk on my ashes, heal my wounds myself, in my broken world will live again. Whether good or bad, my life is at stake.

Fly, on your way, like an eagle
Fly as high as the Sun
On your way, like an eagle
Fly, touch the Sun

Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears
Looks the old man in the eye
As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd
In the name of God my father I'll fly

"Flight Of Icarus "-Iron Maiden

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