martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


Without hope and with a world ahead, with broken dreams and a world waiting to be explored, only in weeks a great decision will come, just a few days separate On me a moment which changed my life, I will not stop or as I look back and reach of your words, I'm tired in the end love did not work (if this was not love does not want to experience the true feeling), a drink for you, one last drink for you, abandoned and lonely, curiously I wish you well yet, but I'm tired and not want to see with those eyes, I no longer want to see your face or touch your lips, but in the end it was like script, your will end with the little I had , hoping that tomorrow never comes back, even knowing it impossible, knowing that my dreams will come true, today there will be no lasting bottle, but tomorrow shall begin from scratch, forget what I am for once, and I will be what I never, Thanks, really appreciate it, you gave the coup of grace that I needed to be what I need to be, you gave me the hope that never need, training rooms me that people only care about themselves and that love is not enough.

Thank you, thank you for everything, that dream will be destroyed as the castles in the clouds and the religions of men, there will not be God who lives forever, the men who need something to live. A memory that dies a smile that goes to hell, people will eventually die and their felling with them, there were only words, images and memories, some embodied paintings or other works of art, but science must be impartial or try, to forget feelings that cloud the minds of both men and inspire them with so many branches.

Forget, smile and CONTINUE.

I curse my feelings, I curse my lack of strength, and I wish her well, that's the only thing I can do to because I love her. Spit in my destination only to come back to laugh, because I had already lost it.

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