jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


Every action has a reaction, which eventually reaches us, hate only brings more hatred, like the thirst for revenge but sometimes that can make you feel alive, damn heart that is filled with these feelings and become more impressive actions a place, looking like the love that has died slowly in the heart of the wearer cursed. I paid for my sins a long time and that I may not stop soon, I'm not a good person or a friend would say not even go into the class of persons, but who am I to deny it, if I never slightest intention of being like others, I often said they would not fit into society because he believed in people and trust them, that never would come out ahead believing that the honor and pride are important, often told me get out of here other more betrayed me for many things I was losing faith in those who call themselves superior beings, but we still found true friends, those who do not have betrayed me and I doubt they do. I have committed my life to them.

I'm dead from the day I was born like any other I have not met yet even immortal, only people who think they are. I have not seen a human superior to another in all areas, nor do I believe that is possible.

It may not be the happiest person, but I've learned to live with my beliefs and my personality. It fails to tell the truth even that hurt me. Live and die as I am, will assume all concecuencias need to take and will continue.

"And the hope will die
When the curtains fall
And silence the pain"

"Hope" - Swallow The Sun

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