viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Black blood

The is a lot of pain in the shadows of my past I know the feeling of the madness in the root of the men passion and love, hate and death the world run in that wheel's. The time is just a concept that give us a measure of whatever we do. But for centuries the knowledge was a crime, for the human. Ask is the only form that I know to live maybe is my huge defect because I don not know nothing of the world. this world full famine, grace, pestilence, love, war, hope, disease, madness and death is just a picture of a movie in the mind of the director full of images and wired concepts but beautiful in the mind of the viewer, expecting the credits.

I don't need any money
I just need eyes to see
The world gotta let behind
Is right in front of me

Khymera - Borderline

I just need my dreams an my wishes to continue my live, the pain and the past are always with me but I expect a different future because I'm not going to surrender to no one human, God , or Destiny because is boring. Follow a script is not funny at least not for me.

Reality is a dream death is the wake-up call. Because I'm a dreamer and illusionist of a fade world where the nightmares are for real and the knowledge is the form to defeat them.-

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