martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


Time is only unstoppable, unstoppable time, people have the as if it were not important, the people live enslaved to it, but few who understand and none that I know has mastered, have always said that the time heals wounds, sometimes it seems that acrecenta, ghosts that seem to eat away the living, that feeling that only shows how weak is man that fears before ss, to his past, which is there in between the vaults of the great churches built based on the labor of slaves and natives alike, beautiful stunning, as if defy time, as if this did not affect, how many lives are lost to those monstrosas pardes, how great must be the vanity of hobres to worship is a god or gods do not even know they exist. But these buildings but to exalt men and their desire to achieve forgiveness or sometimes show the world what they are magnanimous. Temple to house the servants of God or gods that governed everything and show where you should worship the same no matter what religion they say in all there will always be a site for realizr worship, churches, cathedrals, temples, mosques, synagogues all with unique beauty, many of them covered with blood and full of tears.

Currently they are developing the art for the people where not long ago were allowed only to the clergy, see indomitable rock walls, fountains and large internal courtyards, art today is grown there, the crowd of ladies seguen high society enjoy strutting, with support for such institutions as was hce thousand years and will continue to be patrons, benefactors, its name has changed but its function is to mimsa be somewhere in that society, think about them. Characters trying to make people Leean, one that perjured men, enslaved the women, that mistreat and trashed, they are merely victims, I think the world has changed since she has come to the same I do not deny that women have been battered by some men, but also by women themselves, but I think they are beautiful, strong and indomitable as the time, which can not be contained.

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