martes, 7 de agosto de 2012


Nothing to lose, nothing to win, there is only sand in the wind, the blows the mind like a star in the infinity that start their oblivion, the wind talks and curses the human kind, are part of myself, I follow the sun path and I am tring to find the end, this is not the end of me, I will find a new path if is necessary

Missing the wind and waiting to end my pain, there is no glory, there is no hope, just loneliness of a broken heart and a cursed mind, who tries to find the power to destroy that body, that soul. there is price, i you are ready to paid for it.

The hell awaits, with all my brother there, waiting for this damn soul who walks in the earth trying to find a path between the madness and the sanity. One word could kill me, but now I am deaf, I lost my reason, my hope.

God grant me the SERENITY to accept what I cannot change, the TENACITY, to changes what I may, and the GOOD LUCK not fuck up to often.

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