martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


Words do not come out of the soul, ideas that disrupt life, dreams are nothing more than parodies of mindless reality, every time I see new parameters that complicate the model, I have to see which are negligible and which are fundamental to the problem. See, hear, examine all part of life and is part of the person, the instinct is what guides us and reason it corrupts and makes it better. Words hurt, actions that kill, everything has a consequence that eventually reaches the executor, and some other single destination called Karma, hours not spent in vain, everything is taking shape in the mind, and not return. Non-healing wounds and people who die by their feelings, because of their actions, always thinking about who we are, why we behave in that way, people around us treat us a certain way, cataloging our actions, our music our manner of dress, even to the way of thinking, saying that you believe in love, you think people can be different, people are just people.

Trust and lost, I thought and gave everything he had agreed on a final that was inevitable, standing in front of the void, I see that the world is different, I see that my actions were my mistake, do not blame anyone except my own person and nobody else I was guilty by believing. I was the guilty to assume, guilty to say what I thought. But I've learned from my mistakes and I should not have to come back.

I close my eyes and start thinking, I begin to see what happens around me, I see that the trees are still there, the cars pass through the streets, people walk along the path, the world remains the same even though she is no longer, I wish her their happiness, but I do not want know about her, my loneliness I need to locate an time to focus, my eyes were weak and the cutoff date of the Master is coming, I can not fall, but it does not want to fall.

The heaven is like my fucking hell so I'll enjoy my station among the living, knowing that I am already dead. The underworld is waiting for me and I am not going disappoint them.

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