lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


Looking for not get you, read warnings, walking among the dead, riding trails, watching epitaphs and statues, watching graves forgotten for generations, thinking about the seven seals and seven trumpets, a prophecy that has terrorized the world for so long, like so many others to many cultures, one day it would seem that the sun will not rise again, the religion that seeks to explain unexplainable things at that moment, it loses its mystify, but still gives so much hope, but not without a price. Crimes committed in the name of a superior being, rules that obscure the view of men, which sometimes avoid their growth, others rise both to new levels of illumination or appear so. I do not care if there is one, none or an infinite number of gods, if there is something greater than human, there will be one of my race that exceed, as the Olympians beat the Titans and heroes had overcome them as well. The men created their science to explain what many tried to hide or forget, but even so there are things that have not been able to explain and may have to take generations to achieve.

Trying to not believe in fate, fighting to not succumb to the gods or to my own demons, drawing strength from a memory, looking for new reasons, seeing new scenarios for this play called life, walking between supporting actors, now without a script think that I can choose something more than just a soundtrack, living between two lands, looking to follow that way, seeking who are the major players and what the side ones, needing things that seem useless, watching people who seem more dead than alive, people absorbed by a monotonous life, slaves to a rotten society.

I am Hunting High and Low
Diving from the sky above
Looking for, more and more, once again
I'm Hunting High and Low
Sometimes I may win sometimes I'll lose
It's just a game that I play

"Hunting High And Low" - Stratovarius

"Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida arrodillado." (It is better to die standing than live a lifetime on his knees.)
-Emiliano Zapata-

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