jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


Life is whatever you want,sometimes sad, sometimes good, but is what you make with it, nothing else,while i was reading about who to make a thesis, you need to find what you want, something that you enjoy, the celestial motion or the spanish literature, everyone has their joys, someone can refer the chaos of the no linear system of four bodies, or the aproximation of function with wavelets in L_2, you only need to decide. Is the same for me, I choose what I thing is the best and I assume consequences of my acts, Is my way.is my path, I will floow the sun in the day an in the night  I will find comfort in the moon I love, an the star that mark my path, I will find the answers even if I die in the process. Nothing is easy if you want or need something you need to fight for it, 

One song to remember one song in one day, just one song, with a guitar solo, one song that hurts just one song, one song that kills slowly or make me stronger, I remember a smile and a lie, the words has been spoken and the actions have been taken, I keep walking, until the night surrounds me and my legs hurt, the muic is my partner, even if my life sucks, I can choose my soundtrack.

One song just one song in the day because this day is different, maybe I am right maybe not, I am not a God to know that answer and I never wanted, Maybe a demon but not a God, I will never want to be a God especially if is the Jew, Christian or Muslim.

Time will leave
And I will follow
You dug my hole while you said you love me
What will we say
What will we be then
When we arrive where we never wanted

I feel dead when I am close to you
And hide from you again
Feel dead
So you can't reach my heart again

Now you're not here to see me crumble
You spit on me and I try not to tumble
Take me away
And bleed me tomorrow
I say goodbye to you and to my sorrow

I feel dead when I am close to you
And hide from you again
Feel dead
So you can't reach my heart again 

"While" . Lacrimas Profundere

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012


Playing with fire, watching the probabilities of success, just the blue fire of a lighter, my eyes are tired,my mouth is dry and my seek for vengeance blind me, the days are so long,the music is so deep, a warcry from Sverige grows, the usic is my soul, maybe this movie i the worst, but I decide my soundtrack, I felt betrayed and disappointed but I did not do anything, the pain was there, myy hate grown with time and my thirst was great, the human kind was there I fell in her arms, like a drug was her lips, her tiny body full of honey, I wish to be free, I wish to stay more than one week, but she have to return to their homeland, wished to go with her, but sand was on my body, the moon was crying her damn name. Why I still love her?, WHY?.

For one night I was free, for three days I flight with her wings, the moon was there, the shades to, her pale skin and blue eyes, deep like the summer ski, full of hope, here in this country where the hell have a name,  so clever, so shy, lisenting "Paradise Lost", taking about the history of the three kingdoms, Battle of the Weser River, and La noche triste, was amazing, she could save me or could kill me but now an ocean is between us. Her evocative curves moving at the rythm of Iced earth, her smile was like be in heaven, watch her sleep with her blond hair in my lap, knowing that she was free to go, but she stays all night long.

It was a night to remember, one night in my past. God bless England.